Department & University Graphics
Graphics specific to the Department of Computer Science and NC State University, as well as links to templates and branding standards, are provided below.
If you have questions or need specific assistance, contact Ken Tate, Director of Development & External Relations for the North Carolina State University Department of Computer Science.
Computer Science Department
The Department of Computer Science celebrated its 50 year anniversary in 2017. The 50th Year Celebration design is available in .png format [download]. Each image has various 50th year designs. These designs can be used on electronic material to help promote and commemorate the department’s 50th year celebration. Examples of how to use this design for digital and print media can be downloaded here.
North Carolina State University Logo
Above are 3 NC State logos. There are a total of 12 logos that can be used to represent the university which can be seen and downloaded here. When using the university’s logo, guidelines must be strictly adhered to. Do not distort the logo in any way and do not place the logo too close to other text or images. When using the department’s name in conjunction with the logo, brand-approved fonts must be used. NC State logotype files are font-independent. The prescribed Univers fonts do not need to be loaded on your system, and no license is needed. The PNG files of the NC State brick for Web uses are available in several sizes, from the smallest allowable to the largest. The EPS files have been created as line-art vector files and are the only logos that should ever be used for print because vector files will print cleanly at any size. The JPG logos should only be used for PowerPoint or Microsoft Office documents.
When utilizing any offical North Carolina State University logo all guidelines must be strictly adhered to. Please refer to Branding’s Logo Guidelines.
PowerPoint Chart Templates
PowerPoint templates for the Computer Science department can be downloaded here; there are 4 to choose from. The only font that should be used for your content is Arial.
PowerPoint templates shown here are for general purposes and can be used when representing the university. Keep in mind that the only font you should use for your content is Arial. These templates can be found on the Branding website.
MS Word Letterhead Template
Microsoft Word letterhead templates [download] have been provided by the university and are only for digital communications. After you create your body copy, export them as PDFs. The only font you should use both to populate your information and for the content of your letter is Arial. An addtional letterhead can be found here on the Branding website.
Other Templates
The university provides other templates as well as imagery suggestions. These resourses include Digital Billboard Templates, Research Posters, Wallpapers, Video Assests, Email Signatures and more. To see all options provided please visit the university’s Branding website.