Teaching/Computer Labs
LAB POLICIES (please read)
These policies apply to all CSC IT managed teaching labs: 111 Lampe Drive 200, 111 Lampe Drive 201, 111 Lampe Drive 255, and EBII 1221.
Definition of Terms
Organizer = individual(s) responsible for unlocking lab and who must be physically present at all times in the lab.
- Upon reservation request approval, Organizer(s) must request lab access by contacting the Computer Science building security liasion Linda Honeycutt. Lab access is handled with card readers through the campus Security Applications and Technologies office (SAT). Requests may take up to 2 business days.
- For non-Computer Science sponsored events/camps, we require at least ONE-WEEK reservation notice.
- For non-Computer Science sponsored events or curriculum, CSC IT doesn’t accept software installation requests.
- We require at least on-week’s notice for software installations.
- We DO NOT grant end-users admin/sudo access to Lab machines.
- Do NOT turn OFF computers.
- Do NOT unplug cables, monitors, input devices from computers.
- Turn OFF projector before you leave lab.
- Event organizers must be present at all times during lab use.
- All doors must be shut closed when lab is not in use.
- Do NOT leave doors propped open as card reader alarms will go off.
- Erase whiteboard(s) before leaving lab
- Organizers are responsible for leaving the lab in the same condition as it was found (tables/chairs/etc). Do NOT let anyone in who is not part of the class/event.
- No food or drinks in the lab.
- Do NOT request building cleaning crew to let you in the labs.
- To submit reservation requests, submit this form. To report technical or any lab issues contact csc_help@ncsu.edu. Be sure to check calendars below for room availability before submitting your request.
Failure to comply with the above lab rules will result in cancellation/denial of future reservation requests.
Date: 9/8/2022
Note: You must login to your NCSU Google calendar first in order to see lab calendar content. Once logged in, refresh/reload this page. Dont forget to LOGOUT from your Google Calendar when you are through.
111 Lampe Drive 200
(40 RHEL Linux Workstations + 1 Instructor Station equipped with a ceiling-mount projector)
111 Lampe Drive 201
(24 Windows Workstations + 1 Instructor Station equipped with a ceiling-mount projector)
111 Lampe Drive 255
(35 RHEL Linux Workstations + 1 Instructor Station equipped with a ceiling-mount projector)
Engineering Building 2 – 1221
(4 Windows Workstations + 1 Instructor Station)