- Tips and Resources For Traveling
- SSH Tunnel
- OIT Technology for Travel recommendations [courtesy of OIT]
- Orientation Resources for New Faculty & Staff
- Remote Desktop Connectivity Instructions for Admin Staff
- Teaching Resources and Tips
- AFS course workspaces and lockers
- Google File Stream
- Unfortunately, Google Drive File Stream client does not allow you to make copies of Google native format documents (e.g. *.form, *.gdoc) or folders. Users are recommended to use the Web client to make copies of Google native files. If you must make a copy of a folder, create a New Folder first using the Web client and then copy files into this folder.
Orientation Resources for New Faculty & Staff
Startup Equipment
Incoming faculty receive startup funds to purchase computer equipment to support their research, administrative, and teaching operations.
Email & Unity Accounts
All incoming faculty and staff are issued a Unity account (UID). This account name starts with first and middle initials and is followed by up to 6 letters of the last name. For common last names, numerical numbers are used. Your initial Unity password becomes your University employee ID. Please change your password asap via
Your email account, therefore, becomes This email address is often not very human-readable, so you may want to request a university email alias by sending an email to For more information about requesting a university email alias, including guidelines, see OIT’s email services page.
The CSC department manages and compiles internal mailing lists for official use only. Check our CSC Mailing lists Web page for further information.
Google Apps is the official university email service. To access your university Google Apps account, please visit For additional information about Google core and consumer apps available, check the Google Apps @ NC State site.
Effective October 2017, all faculty, staff, and students must enable 2-Factor Authentication, Duo for Shibboleth, and complete the User Identification and Authentication (UIA) process to increase user account security. CSC IT strongly recommends enabling these ASAP. And remember that under any circumstances, no one from NCSU IT will ask you (via email, phone, other) for your email login credentials. If you receive an email asking for such information, it is most likely a phishing attempt to steal your login credentials, so we ask you to flag such emails as SPAM.
<hr /Computer Use Regulation
Every incoming faculty and staff should become familiar with the University’s Computer User Regulations.
User AFS File Space
Effective December 2022, AFS will be retired. The NCSU “B” drive will replace AFS home directories.
Other File Space
Since NC State uses Google Apps as its primary email and cloud collaboration suite, additional file space is available through Google Drive. See NCSU Google Apps and Google Drive Web pages for more information.
NCSU OIT offers Research Storage ( 2TB of space for ALL faculty members. An additional 2TB of space for each funded research project. Researchers who require more space will be able to fund allocations above the 30TB threshold against their grant accounts.
Web Space
Several options are available depending on the Web presence that you want to convey. For instruction/course-related content, use Moodle. For personal Webspace, consider using Google Sites, NCSU’s WordPress individual blog sites: OIT WordPress services.
The CSC Department also maintains an online directory profile front-end that faculty & staff are encouraged to complete. To update your CSC online directory profile info, visit For promotional resources such as presentation templates and web templates, please visit
For additional Web hosting alternatives, check NCSU’s GetOnTheWeb site.
Coursework Resources
The university academic community uses Wolfware – an online Learning Management System that allows faculty to provide a Web presence and Web tools (grading, assignment submission tools) for their courses. CSC IT strongly recommends that all CSC faculty start using Moodle to manage their online courses. To request Moodle course lockers, please visit the Wolfware Web site and click on Moodle link found on the right navigational menu. Delta offers custom training courses on Moodle as well. To request a training session, please visit and fill out their form at
The university, college, and department have campus-wide licenses for various applications and systems software. For a list of software offered through these units, please check the CSC Software Web page.
CSC faculty and staff who need to register network devices on the campus wired network must submit a CSC IP request form. Campus IT and local CSC IT periodically monitors inbound/outbound network traffic, so please use the university network responsibly.
NCSU must use MarketPlace: a Web-based procurement service, to purchase computer hardware, software, and other supplies. See 3D memo 154.177 for more info. Certain supplies or components that are not available via MarketPlace can be purchased directly from a vendor. But before you make a purchase, first consult with the appropriate department finance staff (5-accts: Ann Hunt; all other accts: Linda Honeycutt).
The department has two “workgroup” network printers (1 color & 1 B/W) on each floor in EB2 (except the 1st floor). Faculty and staff are encouraged to use these printers instead of setting up a printer in each office. If you must have a printer in your office, please contact the IT group at for recommendations and standards.
Hard Drive Encryption Best Practices
Please click here to learn about hard drive best practices for Mac, Windows, Linux, and Ubuntu.